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Mind you, for some reason, Deep South Americana looms large in the Chicken Shop imagination. Apart from Florida, for some reason.

In part, especially in London, it's because their signage is almost always designed by the same man:

does anyone else remember parties? theres some wavey uk garage bootlegs on this mix

@comradegreens also the code for our bot is here rn

it's not documented at all and there's no instructions on how to set it up or run it but i'll get around to that when i have a second. i havent had much time to work on the bot this week.

@comradegreens well an image manipulation bot like that basically has 2 parts. The image manipulation on server, and the bot interface. If we had some code that did the manipulation we wanted then we just need to add a command to our existing bot to let it receive images and run the code on them. @chay has some experience using which could probably be used to do that type of thing. glitchy image manipulation is easy because you arent scared of unintentional glitches πŸ˜‚

@comradegreens if you have any bot ideas lmk i'm into writing some

if yt gives you an error on this video, i think the distributor might have them blocking embeds. thats probably not an issue on mobile though, most apps would just open your yt client instead of embeds. or just go to the link yourself.

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@InvaderXan πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ we all be wearing virtual faces

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y'all should add yr boy here cause Idk who anyone is!

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an experiment in afrofuturist cyberspace