@comradegreens if you have any bot ideas lmk i'm into writing some


@comradegreens well an image manipulation bot like that basically has 2 parts. The image manipulation on server, and the bot interface. If we had some code that did the manipulation we wanted then we just need to add a command to our existing bot to let it receive images and run the code on them. @chay has some experience using processing.org/ which could probably be used to do that type of thing. glitchy image manipulation is easy because you arent scared of unintentional glitches 😂

@comradegreens also the code for our bot is here rn github.com/num46664/mechanical

it's not documented at all and there's no instructions on how to set it up or run it but i'll get around to that when i have a second. i havent had much time to work on the bot this week.

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an experiment in afrofuturist cyberspace